The idea behind organic SEO is to appear on the first page of a Google search. Organic SEO is when you optimize your website to be found in search engines, and it’s important because if people are not finding you they will stop looking.
I had a long conversation with Torge Janiesch, co-founder of about email marketing for cannabis dispensary growth, the value of email sequences, and how to find your best customers.
1 in 4 people in the US has a disability that affects their ability to use your dispensary’s website. Implementing ADA compliance and web accessibility for your cannabis dispensary website can increase your revenue and grow your brand loyalty.
Your choice of marketing strategy is arguably one of the most crucial aspects of your business’s success and growth. Having an effective marketing plan can help you to flesh out new growth opportunities, find the most viable avenues to spend your marketing dollars on, and discover who your actual customer is. Below are three important […]
The internet offers endless possibilities for your business; people use the internet for many reasons, such as searching for particular items. Out of 3 billion people who use the internet every month, some need the things you offer.
You can’t ignore the fact that the growth of your business depends mostly on your customers. The customers can either help your business flourish or cause its failure.
Preparing for potential issues with your e-commerce store can significantly decrease the chances of encountering a risky or threatening scenario with your business.
With today’s digital technology, organizing your emails and contact information is easy. You no longer have to worry about hiring someone to type out each email for you. Or worst! Manually sending out the same email to all 1200 customers.
Entrepreneurship is very in vogue right now. But here’s the problem: lots of new businesses fail, and fail within just a few years of their inception. That’s because there’s a right way to start a business, and a wrong way. Most people choose the wrong way without even knowing it. When starting a business, founders […]
4 Keys to Successful Outbound Selling
Many so-called experts predicted the end of outbound sales when the internet first arrived. They predicted that the ease of doing research on products and ordering online would eliminate the need for outbound sales reps. Not only were those experts wrong, but it also went in the opposite direction. There are more outbound sales jobs […]
It was becoming a familiar problem: over the weekend, a client would call or text us because their website wasn’t functioning properly. From plug-ins that no longer displayed correctly, to attempted hacking, to just crashing completely, the websites we were building and diligently maintaining on Wordpress were experiencing numerous issues. And we knew that Social Linus was not alone in experiencing this.
Your online business has the same access to today’s internet resources as any other business, but how you leverage the use of these tools can differentiate your site from the others. When you build your online business quickly, you can rapidly set it apart and gain higher search engine rankings. Using these five tricks can […]