Your online business has the same access to today’s internet resources as any other business, but how you leverage the use of these tools can differentiate your site from the others. When you build your online business quickly, you can rapidly set it apart and gain higher search engine rankings. Using these five tricks can help your online business grow much quicker.
Creative Web Design
In addition to what you are communicating or selling to your customers, you should be focused on how to communicate or sell it better than anyone else on the web. Some steps to give you a leg up over the competition include having a responsive website with a clean look, a storefront that is easy to use, and a responsive design to engage more users and improve SEO rankings. Plus, you really are doing your business a lot of favors by interlinking with social media because you’ll be able to reach the audiences that are created through other platforms.
Solicit Feedback
When you solicit feedback from your customers, you learn how to communicate the way customers want to so that you can reach them more effectively. Podium explains, “nearly 90 percent of consumers would prefer to engage with businesses via a messaging app, and half of those consumers would like to be able to do so via SMS text messaging. Yet, only 48 percent of businesses are equipped to message with customers.” If you listen to your customers and implement the changes they seek, you can grow your business quickly.
Use Social Media
Various social media platforms have created communities of users that you can tap into to help build up your customer base. Product videos, short blurbs, announcements, photos, and other postings help you connect with customers and stay in contact with them. Taking steps to grow your social media following will translate to greater brand recognition and sales. For the purposes of brand consistency and audience interaction, there’s a real advantage to establishing profiles across several different social channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Once you master the use of social media, you’ll be able to bring in more visitors to your site and take in more sales. Over time, these followers will also help increase the ranking of your website because you gained more site traffic.
Build and Grow an Email List
While social media accounts are good for reaching customers and attracting them to your website, there has yet to be any good substitute for an email list. The contacts that you gain through building an email list remain yours, and no social media platform can ever take them away from you, unlike what would happen if your business account is deleted or a certain social media site shut down operations. Besides, the conversion rate is higher for email contacts, and social media sites can come and go in popularity. In fact, email is 40 times more effective than social media for customer acquisition.
Freebies and Promos
When you need to set yourself apart from the competition, freebies and promos can give you the competitive edge that you would not have otherwise. Conversio explains, “sample- or trial-size products cost little-to-nothing to produce, yet they are a major revenue driver for retailers online and offline. Brands offer a risk-free proposition to consumers who can try something new, which they may even like, for free. The stores that do manage to impress shoppers with their samples earn consumer loyalty and trust and generate profitable sales due to our natural desire to reciprocate goodwill.” Free items give your customers a chance to learn more about you without feeling any pressure, and promotions offered for a limited time also give a little nudge that is sometimes necessary. Requiring people to provide their email address in order to receive free stuff or promos helps you to build up your email list at the same time.
Growth is necessary to make nearly any business a worthwhile venture, and that also goes for your online business because, needless to say, you need sales in order to build and grow your presence. The proliferation of tools and technologies on the internet have made it possible for people like you to be your own boss from virtually anywhere. Learning to leverage the technologies at your disposal through the five tricks mentioned here can help you gain a following that leads to new customers, referrals, sales, increased page rankings on search engines, and well-deserved success.
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